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My Approach

My approach revolves around tailor-making sessions for the individual.


If you are unsure of what you want I like to point it back to your own heart with an intuitive heart test, or applied kinesiology. Your body consciousness knows what it wants. Kryon (channeled by Lee Carrol) recently pointed to our DNA having a multidimensional aspect to it. That means within every cell of our body there is an element that communicates with all the other trillion cells that creates an energy field around our body, some call our merkaba, our soul, our aura, or the chariot we ride in, or our Field. Our soul is essentially in, round and through every cell in our body and we are not disconnected from it. This is why if you go into a room where there has just been an argument you can feel the palpable tension in the air. There is an akashic memory of everything we have ever done within our body and within our Field, within the land. In Ho'oponopono, this is called data, or memory.  

The heart is the strongest organ in the body. Our heart formed first even before our brain. It is now thought to be a brain in its own sense. Hence listening to our heart is not about following wayward emotions, but finding heart brain coherence and tapping into our intuition and the Field, or that multidimensional aspect of us. 


For me, I use this as a constant guide for most decisions I make. You can even use it for cooking. I find it takes me places I never would have dreamed of going before. My entire trip to South America was decided due to my having the courage to follow the call of my heart, and what a trip it was. There was magic around every corner. 


So for me it is about directing my client always back to that. If your heart is not fully in it, I wouldn't want you to do it. If you are not quite ready for it, or the timing is not quite right, I'd rather wait until you are. If you can't afford it, but still feel the calling, then we can work out some form of exchange that both our hearts can agree upon. The possibilities are as endless as the individuations of consciousness in the Universe. And yes I do work with animals, plants, organizations, vehicles and houses. I also work with the weather! :)

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