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Quantum Astrology
Mayan Dreamspell
Human Design

Quantum Astrology

Quantum Astrology is a combination of east meets west astrology. I favour the Vedic system of astrology, but I grew up with Western Astrology. I have come to see the Vedic System as being more accurate. The difference between the two is that the Vedic system shifts each year due to the quarter day we have in the 365 and a quarter days it takes to travel around the Sun. So the demarkation of the signs adjusts so accordingly each year, and thus there is a specific time where for example the Sun goes from Libra into Scorpio for instance, and this changes each year. The Western system does not change with the years and as a result, it has become nearly a month out of line with the actual constellations. NASA did a plotting of the constellations recently and found this to be roughly true, although they then went and applied the Western principles to the system again, while also adding another sign. One thing about Western Astrology though is the interpretations are often good and suitable for the modern age, whereas sometimes the Vedic ones talk of natives and how many goats you might have. It is therefore the positions that are wrong in Western astrology and not the interpretations of those positions, which are the same as always. Naturally with all your planets falling in different signs, there is some crossover. You might have your Moon in Sagittarius in the Vedic one, whereas your Ascendant might be in Sagittarius in the Western one. So some people might still identify with aspects of their Western chart, but when you cross over to the Vedic one, for me personally I find it offers a more attuned and accurate picture. Some people find it hard to accept a new paradigm though, where the star sign they have believed they are their whole life and everyone else's around them has shifted somewhat. But this is where you must look at the whole chart. Naturally there are also houses your planets fall in, aspects each planet makes to another, such as conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines and more. We are truly therefore multidimensional beings and at different times different influences are operating in our lives, depending on where the planets are. It is the astrologers job to bring all aspects of a birth chart together, therefore and provide both the fine details and the holistic picture. 

So the option is there to do a massive deep dive into your birth chart, or to just skim the surface.

Please see Prices below




There are also different types of numerology - Tibetan, Chaldean, Pythagorean. I tend to use the Dan Millman method to determine your life path. Then also look at your hearts desire using your day number, and favour Chaldean numerology for your name numbers, while also taking into account numerology channeled through Kryon (Lee Carrol). There are other aspects as well, such as the year and month you were born, and your surname, what number year you are in this year, what month you are in also, what we are facing as a planet right now too. 

Please see Prices below.


Mayan Dreamspell


In Mayan Dreamspell there are 260 different symbols and these change each day. There are 13 joints in our body and we have 20 digits (fingers and toes). 13x20 is 260. In the Mayan calendar though there are 13 months of 28 days with one extra day, and then every 52 years a 13 day cycle is added to make up for the leap year. A Wavespell consists of 13 days and you were each born on a day in one of these wavespells. Your Wavespell each year is a special time for creating. You also have a tribe that you belong to, you have a guide, a challenge, a companion, and a hidden gift. Some are self guided. 

If you would like to know more about your Mayan Dreamspell, please see Prices below


Human Design

I can also tell you some basic aspects of your human design portfolio. In this system you are either a Manifestor, a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Reflector or Projector. We can also delve further into other aspects of your human design profile, such as your strategy, your not self theme, your inner authority, your profile, definition, your incarnation cross and your left right orientation. 

Please see Prices below.



Quantum Astrology Readings


Full Quantum Astrology Consultation (3-5 hours consultation) including 7 planetary positions, Rahu and Ketu position, houses of planets, planetary aspects, holistic and individual interpretation of these, including house rulers and other info. These also take several hours of preparation. 

Can be done via Zoom, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram or in person. 

Includes pdf file of details.


Planetary Positions, Houses and Interpretation only

Same as above without aspects. Includes Rahu and Ketu and houses.


Planetary Positions and Interpretations only

Same as above without houses or aspects, includes Rahu and Ketu.


Rahu and Ketu Positions and Interpretations only

As above but just your Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are to do with where you came from in your previous incarnations and how it affects your early life and where you are moving towards. It is a very detailed description. 

With house and interpretations too $100

Sign only interpretations $50

Planetary Positions Etc Without Interpretations

This is if you just want to know where your planets are placed so you can look up the relevant details yourself, with links. Obviously it helps to have someone interpret the other holistic aspects of the chart, but this is if you want to do some of the research yourself to save money. This includes links to reliable sites you can use. 

Including signs, aspects and houses $150

Including signs and houses $100

Signs Only $75


Kundali Matching

This is if you want to find out your astrological compatibility with a partner. It is most accurate if you have their birth time. Also place of birth. It includes a rating across several categories that are given a weighting depending on their importance. With an overall compatibility rating out of 36. As well as any Manglik Dosha and other warnings. 



Mayan Dreamspell (rough guide)

1. Sign only $5. Sign with interpretation emailed $10.

2. Sign plus guide, complement, challenge, hidden gift $10. With interpretation emailed $20

3. 30 Minute in person or Zoom consultation of 2. $50. With interpretation emailed $60. Sound recorded emailed $100. Video Recorded Emailed $150.

4. 60 minute consultation with further aspects such as soul group you are in and wavespell. $100. Emailed $125. Sound recorded $150. Video recorded $200. 


Numerology (rough guide)

1. Life Path Number $5 With interpretation emailed $15.

2. 15 minute Zoom/Messenger or appointment on Life Path Number $20.

3. Life Path Number and Heart's Desire Number $10. Emailed $25.

4. 30 Minute Zoom/Messenger or Appointment $40.

5. Life Path Number, Heart's Desire Number, Name Number $15. With interpretation Emailed $40.

6. 45 Minute Zoom/Messenger or Appointment $60

7. Life Path Number, Hearts Desire Number, Name Number, Consonants and Vowels. $25. Emailed $50.

8. 60 Minute Zoom/Messenger or  Appointment $80

Speak to me about what you want to create for your session.


Human Design  (rough guide)

1. Human Design Type with all details. Without interpretation. PDF. $20

2. 15 minute Zoom/Messenger or appointment  $20.

3. 30 Minute Zoom/Messenger or Appointment $40.

4. 45 Minute Zoom/Messenger or Appointment $60

5. 60 Minute Zoom/Messenger or  Appointment $80

Speak to me about what you want to create for your session.


Appointments can include any mixture of astrology, numerology, Mayan Dreamspell, or Human design.

Also can be organized in conjunction with other energy healing appointments etc. Speak to me about what you want to create. 












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